Your Child's First Visit

Boy cleaning teethAs Dr Fracaro is a dental specialist your first meeting will be via consultation, typically by referral from your dentist, doctor, or paediatrician. Dr Fracaro happily accepts children whose parents seek or value a second opinion, as well as parents who have been recommended Dr Fracaro through family or friends. At the consultation you will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns in a child-friendly setting. Treatment is not performed at this initial visit as a general rule.

At the consultation dental images (such as XRays, or Scans) of the teeth will be taken or ordered where necessary, any necessary tests undertaken and information gathered to fully diagnose your child's dental condition as well as to formulate treatment options. A full explanation and itemization of all costs will be provided.

Treatment is undertaken at subsequent appointments either in-rooms using nitrous oxide sedation or under general anaesthesia at St Andrew's War Memorial Hospital, Brisbane. In Paediatrics, the challenge can be determining the most appropriate approach to the treatment your child needs, and so the consultation is an important step in taking all the right information into account. Children come with different levels of coping skills, personalities and anxiety levels, and consideration needs to be given to these factors when planning your child's treatment. The consultation is an excellent way of assessing your child's readiness for dental care and of structuring their visits with both sensitivity and forethought. Failure to do this can to lead to an unhappy first dental experience.